Future tense

The verb "n'id" (eat/ate) is composed of two parts as follows.

"n'i-d" (eat/ate)

"n'i-" is a stem. It is the body of the verb. "-d" is a finite suffix. It express the end of the verb complex.

To express future tense for example someone will eat put the future suffix "-iny-" after the verb stem. And put the finite suffix "-d" after them.

"n'i-iny-d" (will eat)


001. n'i- d.


Someone ate.


002. n'i -iny- d.
eat/ate will
Someone will eat.


To express a fixed future, not "-iny-" but "-i-" is to be there.

-i-  (fixed future)

-ivu-  (very near future)

Present-Past tense.

Present and past are expressed by the same form.


Japanese Ainu Nivkh English
past (ex. yesterday) tabe-ta e n'id ate
present (ex. everyday) tabe-ru e n'id eat
future (ex.?Ftomorrow) tabe-ru tsumori da e kusu ne n'i-iny-d will eat