Word order

Word order is SOV. Just like neighber languages.

(1) SV sentence

Subject without case marker is before intransitive verb. Nominative marker is zero.

001. n'i lerd.
PN1sg Vi
I play/played
I played.

002. eRlng lerd.
N Vi
child play/played
A child played.

(2) SOV sentence

Object without case marker is after transitive verb. Accusative marker is zero.

003. n'i c'o n'id.
PN1sg N Vt
I fish eat/ate
I ate fish.

004. r'angq azmc xerd.
N N Vt
woman man talk to/talked to
A woman talked   to a man.

005. azmc r'angq xerd.
N N Vt
man woman talk to/talked to
A  man talked  to a woman.

(3) S adv O V / adv S O V sentences

Adverbs to express when and where (time and place) are at the top of sentences or before objects. 

006. n'i k'utlix c'o n'id.
PN1sg adv. N Vt.
I outdoors fish eat/ate
I ate a fish outdoors.

007. nawx n'i c'o n'id.
adv. PN1sg N Vt.
today I fish eat/ate
I ate a fish today.